Friday, May 29, 2020

SEMI E132 - Specification for Equipment Client Authentication and Authorization

The authorization scheme specified in this Standard allows equipment vendor the flexibility to provide access control at any level of granularity, ranging from no access control restrictions, predefined role-based access control, to very fine-grained control.

This is a standard that applies to all semiconductor manufacturing equipment that requires authentication and authorization for its services. It does not apply to a communication that is governed by the SEMI E30 communication and control state models.

This Standard does not require data transmitted over an established session to be encrypted, encryption is only required as specified by the authentication protocol. It is assumed that the interface specified by this Standard will be operating in an environment where there are no malicious attacks such as inside a closed factory network.

Subordinate Documents:
SEMI E132.1-1015 - Specification for Soap Binding for Equipment Client Authentication and Authorization (ECA)

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E30 — Specification for the Generic Model for Communications and Control of SEMI Equipment (GEM)

SEMI E128 — Specification for XML Message Structures

Thursday, May 28, 2020

SEMI E128 - Specification for XML Message Structures

The XML Messaging Specification provides definitions of message headers needed for messages exchanged in an asynchronous or synchronous fashion. Synchronous message delivery is chosen when application communication requires message consumption and execution to be completed before a new message is allowed. Asynchronous messages are delivered independently without dependence on transport technology to correlate related messages. The rationale for choosing an asynchronous message delivery mechanism is based on the characteristics of the interaction between two software systems. Some of these reasons are:

·    Support for long-running Request/Reply interactions may not be practical in synchronous session-oriented communication.

·    Some messaging interactions require additional callback messages reporting on server activity which supplement the reply message.

·    Clients may wish to interleave requests and replies to manage parallel or overlapping activities in multiple concurrent messaging conversations.

Headers defined for asynchronous messaging may also support synchronous interactions that rely on transport sessions for identification and correlation of related messages. However, there may be benefits of using the message header elements specified here even in synchronous interactions. The message header elements provide self-describing information about messages that may be useful for debugging or tracking message traffic. Their use may also enable future migration to different message transports.

The XML Messaging Specification uses established, openly referenceable industry standards for XML messaging where possible. It only specifies extensions to existing industry standards when needed to meet the immediate requirements for messaging in a SEMI Standard application context. The intent of this Standard is not to replicate existing standards or offer competing specifications, but to align with and cite the usage of existing standards.

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E120 — Specification for the Common Equipment Model (CEM)

SEMI E125 — Specification for Equipment Self Description (EqSD)

SEMI E132 — Specification for Equipment Client Authentication and Authorization

SEMI E134 — Specification for Data Collection Management

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

SEMI E127 - Specification for Integrated Measurement Module Communications: Concepts, Behavior, and Services (IMMC)

The purpose of integrated measurement (metrology or inspection) is to facilitate intra-equipment process monitoring through rapid access to measurement data, reduce material handling between process and measurement equipment, and the opportunity to increase process monitoring with minimal or no decrease in throughput. The benefits of integrated measurement also allow Advanced Process Control systems to use the results with reduced feedback lag time. The purpose of the IMMC specification is to provide an object-based specification of an Integrated Measurement Module together with a standard interface between an integrated measurement module and its control and data ports where these are commonly implemented by different suppliers. The interface allows access to the properties and services of specific objects. This will facilitate the effort needed for the integration of the module into a larger system. An additional purpose of this standard is to provide sufficient information through a combination of on-line services and interface documentation that an IMMC-compliant integrated measurement module may be integrated with multi-module equipment without requiring a software change in either the module or the equipment. This may require configuration changes made by the end-user through the equipment user interface where certain options are left to the module supplier.

Subordinate Standard:

SEMI E127.1-0308 - Specification for SECS-II Protocol for Integrated Measurement Module Communications (IMMC)


Referenced SEMI Standards

SEMI E5 — SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)
SEMI E30 — Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E30.5 — Specification for Metrology Specific Equipment Model (MSEM)
SEMI E32 — Material Movement Management (MMM)
SEMI E39 — Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E39.1 — SECS-II Protocol for Object Services Standard (OSS)
SEMI E40 — Standard for Processing Management
SEMI E41 — Exception Management (EM) Standard
SEMI E42 — Recipe Management Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Message Services
SEMI E53 — Event Reporting
SEMI E58 — Automated Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Standard (ARAMS): Concepts, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E90 — Specification for Substrate Tracking
SEMI E90.1 — Provisional Specification for SECS-II Protocol Substrate Tracking
SEMI E98 — Provisional Standard for the Object-Based Equipment Model (OBEM)
SEMI E116 — Provisional Specification for Equipment Performance Tracking
SEMI E120 — Provisional Specification for the Common Equipment Model (CEM)
SEMI E148 — Specification for Time Synchronization and Definition of the Clock Object
SEMI M20 — Specification for Establishing a Wafer Coordinate System

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


This specification describes a method for allowing equipment suppliers to provide a description of the variables, events, exceptions, and physical equipment configuration available from their equipment. With this information available for consumption by software systems, it can be used as a tool to aid the process of integrating equipment into a factory’s automation system.


This Document specifies the classes that suppliers are to use to describe essential data, events, and exceptions provided by their equipment. The specification only describes the information that is static in nature (i.e., information that does not change dynamically while the equipment is running). This document also specifies an interface that clients can use to access this information.

This Specification applies to all semiconductor manufacturing equipment that supports the data acquisition interface defined in the SEMI Specification for Data Collection Management.

Out of Scope

This specification does not define any new behavior required of the equipment other than that necessary for retrieving information describing equipment configuration, interfaces, and available data, and keeping this information current.

The details of any underlying concepts and behavioral models (e.g., carrier management, process/control job, etc.) that can be described by metadata are to be separately specified in a document dedicated to those concepts. Only the ability to describe the fact that a supplier has implemented such a concept and that a client can discover this implementation and any data it can produce is in scope for this Specification.

This specification does not require that the metadata provided by the equipment be directly human-readable. It is expected that applications will be written to organize and present this information to human users in a form that is easier for end-users to digest.

Subordinate Document:


Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E30 — Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E39 —Object Services Standard: Concept, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E120—Specification for the Common Equipment Model (CEM)
SEMI E120.1 — XML Schema for the Common Equipment Model
SEMI E121 — Guide for Style and Usage of XML for Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications
SEMI E128 — Specification for XML Messaging
SEMI E132.1 — Specification for SOAP Binding of Equipment Client Authentication and Authorization
SEMI E138 — XML Semiconductor Common Components
SEMI E145 — Classification for Measurement Unit Symbols in XML

Monday, May 25, 2020

SEMI E118 - Specification for Wafer ID Reader Communication Interface -- The Wafer ID Reader Functional Standard: Concepts, Behavior and Service

E This standard was editorially modified in February 2005 to correct errors in Figure R2-1.

NOTICE: The designation of SEMI E118 was updated during the 1104 publishing cycle to reflect the creation of SEMI E118.1.

The purpose of the Wafer ID Reader Functional Standard is to provide a common specification for concepts, behavior, and services (functions) provided by a Wafer ID Reader to an upstream controller. A standard interface will increase the interchange-ability of Wafer ID Readers so that users and equipment suppliers have a wider range of choices.

Subordinate Standard:
SEMI E118.1-1104 - Specification for SECS-I and SECS-II Protocol for Wafer ID Reader Communication Interface Standards

Referenced SEMI Standards

SEMI E4 — SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 1 Message Transfer (SECS-I)
SEMI E5 — SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)
SEMI E15 — Specification for Tool Load Port
SEMI E30 — Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E39 — Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E47.1 — Provisional Mechanical Specification for Boxes and Pods Used to Transport and Store 300 mm Wafers
SEMI E62 — Provisional Specification for 300 mm Front-Opening Interface Mechanical Standard (FIMS)
SEMI E87 — Specification for Carrier Management (CMS)
SEMI E90 — Specification for Substrate Tracking
SEMI E99 — The Carrier ID Reader/Writer Functional Standard: Specification of Concepts, Behaviors, and Services
SEMI E101 — Provisional Guide for EFEM Functional Structure Model
SEMI T7 — Specification for Back Surface Marking of Double-Side Polished Wafers With a Two-Dimensional Matrix Code Symbol

Saturday, May 23, 2020

SEMI E107 - Specification of Electric Failure LInk Data Format for Yield Management System

The objective of this Document is the standardization of the specific data format passed from the test equipment to the Yield Management System. The Yield Management System is a kind of data server for detail test data and geometrical defect data of patterns on a wafer as described in the Terminology section of this Document.

This Document assumes a Yield Management System in which test equipment electrical failure information is managed and analyzed in an integrated manner. Examples of test equipment failure information include bit map data, bin data, and inspection information obtained by devices such as wafer inspection equipment and review tools. Standardization of the data file format helps to reduce the development burden on customers and related vendors.

This document specifies the data file format for transferring from test equipment to a Yield Management System.

This document is an extension of the general map data item standard; that is, SEMI G81, and the general map data format document, currently under development. This Document does not redefine the general specification.

The scope of this Document is just defining data items and their formats. Data file creation methods, data creating environments and file naming conventions are outside of the scope of this document. Also, communication protocols to transfer the data are beyond the scope of this document.

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E5 — SEMI Equipment Communication Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)
SEMI E30.1 — Inspection and Review Specific Equipment Model (ISEM)
SEMI G81 — Specification for Map Data Items
SEMI G85 — Specification for Map Data Format

Thursday, May 21, 2020

SEMI E99 - Specification for Carrier ID Reader/Writer

The purpose of the Carrier ID Reader/Writer Functional Standard effort is to provide a common specification for concepts, behavior, and services (functions) provided by a Carrier ID Reader and a Carrier ID Reader/Writer to an upstream controller. A standard interface will increase the interchangeability of Carrier ID Reader/Writers so that users and equipment suppliers have a wider range of choices.

The Carrier ID Reader/Writer Interface Standard addresses the functional requirements for a generic Carrier ID Reader/Writer interface with an upstream controller.<br>This Specification includes required behavior and required communications for both a Carrier ID Reader and a Carrier ID Reader/Writer.<br>This The specification does not require, define, or prohibit asynchronous messages sent by the Carrier ID Reader or Reader/Writer.

Subordinate Standard
SEMI E99.1-0317 — Specification for SECS-I and SECS-II Protocol for Carrier ID Reader/Writer
Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E1.9 — Mechanical Specification for Cassettes Used to Transport and Store 300 mm Wafers
SEMI E4 — SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 1 Message Transfer (SECS-I)
SEMI E5 — SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)
SEMI E15 — Specification for Tool Load Port
SEMI E30 — Generic Model for Communications and Control of SEMI Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E39 — Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E47.1 — Mechanical Specification for FOUPS Used to Transport and Store 300 mm Wafers
SEMI E62 — Specification for 300 mm Front-Opening Interface Mechanical Standard (FIMS)
SEMI E87 — Specification for Carrier Management (CMS)

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

SEMI E94 - Specification for Control Job Management

This Specification describes equipment provided services to the factory that supports a high level of factory automation. These services provide capabilities for the host to coordinate processing and disposition of materials on production equipment.

This Specification may be applied to equipment that is compliant to SEMI E30 (GEM).

Subordinate Standard:

SEMI E94.1-0819 - Specification for SECS-II Protocol for Control Job Management (CJM)

Referenced SEMI Standards

SEMI E30 — Specification for the Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E39 — Specification for Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E40 — Specification for Processing Management
SEMI E87 — Specification for Carrier Management (CMS)
SEMI E90 — Specification for Substrate Tracking

Monday, May 11, 2020

SEMI E90 - Specification for Substrate Tracking

The purpose of this Standard is to provide the standard services of equipment to track substrates (manufactured product) in manufacturing equipment. This Standard defines the concepts and behaviors for the information management of substrates, as well as the messages/services.

Essentially, information about substrates must be managed by the factory system, while the equipment is required to provide the services for the substrate information management. This Standard addresses the requirement for the equipment services to manage information of substrates that reside in the equipment.

The scope of this Standard is to define the information services of equipment that can be requested by the user. To clarify the required services, the concepts and behaviors of the substrate, the substrate location, the batch, and the batch location are defined.

This Standard is applicable to any manufacturing equipment that handles substrates. To implement these services, the equipment and factory system must be integrated by means of a communication link.

Subordinate Standard:

SEMI E90.1-0312 - Specification for SECS-II Protocol Substrate Tracking

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E30 — Specification for the Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E39 — Specification for Object Services: Concepts, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E87 — Specification for Carrier Management (CMS)

SEMI E87 - Specification for Carrier Management (CMS)

The scope of this document is to define standards that facilitate the host’s knowledge and role in automated and manual carrier transfers, as well as internal buffer equipment carrier transfers. Specifically, this Document provides state models and scenarios that define the host interaction with the equipment for the following:

Carrier transfer between AMHS vehicles and production equipment load ports.
Carrier transfers to/from production equipment internal buffer space.
Equipment and load port access mode switching.
Carrier to load port association.
Carriere verification and Carrier slot map verification.

Subordinate Standard:

SEMI E87.1-0619E - Specification for SECS-II Protocol for Carrier Management (CMS)

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E15 — Specification for Tool Load Port
SEMI E15.1 — Specification for 300 mm Tool Load Port
SEMI E30 — Specification for Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E39 — Specification for SECS-II Protocol for Object Services (OSS)
SEMI E62 — Specification for 300 mm Front-Opening Interface Mechanical Standard (FIMS)
SEMI E84 — Specification for Enhanced Carrier Handoff Parallel I/O Interface
SEMI E90 — Specification for Substrate Tracking
SEMI E99 — Specification for Carrier ID Reader/Writer

Saturday, May 9, 2020

SEMI E54.24 - Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network Specific Device Model of a Generic Equipment Networked Sensor (GENsen)

This Specification is part of a suite of Standards that specify the implementation of SEMI Standards for the Sensor/Actuator Network. The specific purpose of this specification is to describe a network-independent application model of a generic sensor device measuring one or more phenomena on a piece of semiconductor manufacturing equipment and communicating over a sensor/actuator communication network. Oftentimes such sensors are added onto the equipment as they might provide a capability that is not provided with the current equipment configuration.

This document describes a specific device structure and behavior of a generic equipment networked sensor. This could include a sensor added onto the equipment that communicates over a sensor/actuator communication network. It could also include a sensor that is part of the default configuration of the equipment, communicating over a sensor/actuator communication network.

This Document is applicable to sensors that are regarded as data producers only. A configuration or control of the sensor device (e.g., described by a third entity) is outside the scope of this Standard.

This document does not define terms that have been defined already in other referenced documents.

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E39 — Object Services Standard
SEMI E54 — Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network
SEMI E54.1 — Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network Common Device Model
SEMI E90 — Specification for Substrate Tracking

Friday, May 8, 2020

SEMI E54.23 - Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network Communications for CC-Link IE Field Network

his Specification is part of the SEMI Sensor/Actuator Network (SAN) suite of Standards and defines a specific communications protocol based on the CC-LinkTM IE Field Network standard. This Network Communication Standard (NCS) taken together with the SEMI Sensor/Actuator Network Standard suite and the CC-Link IE Field Network standard completely and unambiguously defines an open standard providing an industry specific solution to off-the-shelf interoperability of networked devices in semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

CC-Link IE Field Network is a vendor independent, open device level network standard. Vendor independence and openness are guaranteed by the CC-Link Partner Association.

This Document specifies a SAN communications standard based on the CC-Link IE Field Network specification that is in compliance with SEMI E54.1. As such, it specifies the protocol, services and behavior that compliant intelligent devices must support in order to interchange information over this SAN in a method compatible with SEMI E39.

In conjunction with a SEMI Standard SAN Common Device Model (CDM) specification and one or more SEMI Standard-Specific Device Model (SDM) Specifications (e.g., for a mass flow controller), this Network Communication Standard (NCS) with the related CC-Link IE Field Network standard describe the data structures, interactions and behavior that are characteristic of the various devices on the network. This composite model forms a complete interoperability standard for communications among intelligent sensors, actuators and controllers in semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E39 — Specification for Object Services: Concepts, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E54.1 — Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network Common Device Model
SEMI E54.3 — Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network Specific Device Model for Mass Flow Device
SEMI E54.10 — Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network Specific Device Model for an In Situ Particle Monitor Device
SEMI E54.11 — Specific Device Model for Endpoint Devices
SEMI E54.18 — Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network Specific Device Model for Vacuum Pump Device

Thursday, May 7, 2020

SEMI E53 - Event Reporting

Access to process data in equipment is crucial for effective process monitoring and control in a semiconductor manufacturing facility. This standard addresses the communication needs of semiconductor equipment and other factory objects, such as cell controllers or recipe servers, with respect to the timely collection and reporting of such data. The purpose of this standard is to provide a general-purpose set of event reporting services that may be offered by equipment suppliers. This document may be referenced, in whole or in part, by other standards addressing higher-level application domains. The communications services defined here will enable the standards-based interoperability of independent systems. They shall allow application software to be developed which can assume the existence of these services and allow software products to be developed which offer them.

Subordinate Standard:

SEMI E53.1-0704 - SECS-II Support for Event Reporting Standard

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E5 — SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)
SEMI E30 — Generic Model for Communications and Control of SEMI Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E38 — Cluster Tool Module Communications (CTMC)
SEMI E39 — Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E39.1 — SECS-II Protocol for Object Services Standard (OSS)
SEMI E40 — Standard for Processing Management

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

SEMI E42 - Recipe Management Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Message Services

E This standard was editorially modified in September 1999 to conform to its non-provisional status. Changes were made to Section 1.2.

This standard defines the concepts required for the management of recipes, the operations or behavior provided by the Recipe Management Standard (RMS), and the messages through which services are provided through an interface between the provider and the user of these services. The purpose of this standard is twofold: to enable applications software to be developed that can assume the existence of standard concepts, behaviors, and message services that collectively form Recipe Management and that take advantage of them; and to enable the software to be developed to offer the Recipe Management capabilities.

Subordinate Standard:

SEMI E42.1-0704 — Standard for SECS-II Protocol for Recipe Management Standard (RMS)

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E5 — SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)
SEMI E10 — Standard for Definition and Measurement of Equipment Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM)
SEMI E30 — Generic Model for Communications and Control of SEMI Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E39 — Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services
SEMI E42 — Recipe Management Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Message Services
SEMI E53 — Event Reporting

Monday, May 4, 2020

SEMI E41 - Exception Management (EM) Standard

Interactive exception handling enhances the error recovery ability while maintaining automated control in the factory. This standard addresses the communications needs within the semiconductor manufacturing environment with respect to equipment exception handling. This standard specifies capabilities to be provided by the exception agent for effective reporting and interaction with respect to abnormal situations in the equipment. It describes the concept of exception management, the behavior of the equipment in relation to interactive exception handling, and the messaging services which are needed to provide the functionality. The communications services defined here will enable the standards-based interoperability of independent systems. They shall allow application software to be developed which can assume the existence of these services and allow software products to be developed which offer them. Implementation of automated exception management will help reduce error recovery time and avoid changing from automatic to manual equipment control in many situations. The adoption of the standards described will greatly reduce the effort required to integrate compliant equipment components. Compliance requires a specific set of standard services.

Subordinate Standard:
SEMI E41.1-0996 — SECS-II Support for the Exception Management Standard

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E5 — SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)

SEMI E40 - Specification for Processing Management

Automated management and command of material processing in equipment is a crucial aspect enabling factory automation. This Standard addresses the communications needs within the semiconductor manufacturing environment with respect to the processing of material in equipment.

This Standard specifies the application of the appropriate processing to specified material received at the processing agent. It describes the concepts of material processing, the behavior of the equipment in relation to processing, and the messaging services which are needed to accomplish the task.

The communications services defined here enable standards-based interoperability of independent systems. They allow application software to be developed that can assume the existence of these services and allow software products to be developed which offer them.

Implementation of automated processing management will help eliminate the misprocessing of material. The adoption of the standards described will greatly reduce the effort required to integrate compliant equipment components and reduce time to set up for processing. Compliance requires a minimal but specific set of standard services.

The scope of this Standard is automated material processing based on discrete processing jobs. It provides the functionality required for process management for modules within a cluster tool. It may be applied to sub-systems of other multi-resource equipment, as well as to host control of many types of equipment.

This Standard supports individual management of jobs for identical processing of material within a group and concurrent processing of independent groups. Where material contains other material (such as carriers containing wafers), processing may be specified in terms of either material type.

A simple tuning mechanism is provided for limited feedforward and feedback control between process steps. A method is defined as taking advantage of recipe variable parameters. This is not expected to satisfy all closed-loop control requirements. Other mechanisms are anticipated with greater flexibility for late tuning and handling complex data.

This Standard does not provide services for receiving material for processing or disposing of it after processing is complete. Automation of material transfer is assumed to be provided through other services, such as those defined in applicable SEMI Standards.

This Standard presents a solution from the concepts and behavior down to the messaging services. It does not define the messaging protocol.

A messaging service includes the identification that a message shall be exchanged and a definition of the data which is contained in that message. It does not include information on the structure of the message, how the data is represented within the message, or how the message is exchanged. This additional information is contained within the message protocol.

The defined services may be applied to multiple protocols. Information on the mapping of processing management services to special protocols (e.g., SECS-II) are added as adjunct standards.

The services assume a communications environment in which a reliable connection has been established between the user of the services and the provider of the services. Establishing, maintaining, releasing a connection, and handling communication failures are beyond the scope of this Standard.

Subordinate Standard:

SEMI E40.1-1218 — Specification for SECS-II Support for Processing Management

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E5 — Specification for SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)
SEMI E30 — Specification for the Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)
SEMI E39 — Specification for Object Services: Concepts, Behavior, and Services

Friday, May 1, 2020

SEMI E39 - Specification for Object Services: Concepts, Behavior, and Services

The purpose of the Object Services Standard (OSS) is to provide general terminology, conventions, and notation for describing behavior and data in terms of objects and object attributes. In addition, it provides basic services for reading object attributes, setting their values, and for asking for an object’s contents. This Standard is intended to be referenced by other Standards that define specific objects to reduce redundancy.

The scope of this Standard is to provide concepts, behavior, and services common to a variety of public objects.

Object models are common to multiple Standards. Object Services provide basic object-related definitions, and basic services for getting object attributes and setting attribute values, that can be used by all Standards defining public objects. These services allow the basic management of data based on objects.

The object services defined in this document may be included in the services provided by other Standards. They may also be provided independently of such other Standards.

Subordinate Standard (included):

SEMI E39.1-1218 — Specification for SECS-II Protocol for Object Services (OSS)

Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI E5 — Specification for SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)