Wednesday, February 9, 2022

SeerSight - Predictive Maintenance For Factory

 Improve Yield, OEE, Product Quality & Equipment Uptime. Predicts device failures in equipment, days in advance and prevents unexpected equipment failure.

SeerSight comes with all the required hardware and software, including smart sensors, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Control Center Practitioners Learning based data analysis software, and Operation Engineer Process Engineer other required hardware.

Manufacturing Engineers Data SeerSight continuously monitors your Management equipment's health through smart sensors, detects anomalies through SeerSight proprietary AI/ML-based algorithms, and notifies you when it predicts component health deterioration thereby preventing unexpected equipment failure.

Improves Yield & Product Quality

Increases Throughput & OEE

Benefits of SeerSight

  • Improve Yield, Product Quality & OEE
  • Reduce spare parts & equipment maintenance costs
  • Saves hundreds of thousands of $$ annually in unplanned downtime
  • Based on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning models
  • Based on analysis of vibration, acoustics, current, etc.
  • Plug-n-Play: No hardware or software changes to existing equipment
Features of SeerSight

  • Fixing something before it breaks is more efficient and cost-effective than fixing it after it breaks.
  • Easy to set up, Installation often takes minutes
  • Requires no hardware or software changes to your machines, sensors are attached to the body of your machine.
  • Both on-premise and cloud options are available
  • Summarized and detailed charts & graphs of equipment health
Case Study:

  • One customer reduced unplanned downtime by 160+ hours annually
  • Our customers have reported ROI of up to 220%

Applications Of SeerSight

Vacuum Pumps
Cassette Loader
Fan and Blowers
Cabinet Exhausts

SeerSight - Predictive Maintenance For OEM

 Gain Competitive Advantage through - SeerSight - Predictive Maintenance For OEM

Predicts device failures in equipment, days in advance and prevents unexpected equipment failure. SeerSight is a subsystem comprising of smart sensors, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning based analytics software and other required hardware that monitors health of your equipment’s components and alert the users days before the device is to fail giving users enough time to schedule a replacement.

Predictive Maintenance Software For OEM

Benefits of SeerSight

  • Predicts component failure – such as those of pump, motor, etc.
  • Gives Competitive Advantage
  • Can be seamlessly integrated into equipment controller software
  • Based on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning models
  • Based on analysis of vibration, acoustics, current, etc.
  • Improves process and equipment reliability
Features of SeerSight

  • Fixing something before it breaks is more efficient and cost-effective than fixing it after it breaks.
  • Easy to set up, Installation often takes minutes
  • Requires no hardware or software changes to your machines, sensors are attached to the body of your machine.
  • Both on-premise and cloud options are available
  • Summarized and detailed charts & graphs of equipment health